Transit van drivers grrrrrrrr use ya bloody mirrors


T6 Legend
coming home today on dual carriageway a 65 plate transit driver nearly wrote the kombi off it was bloody close never hit my horn so hard .
seen a transit driver going around the roundabout on his phone hogging inside lane of roundabout I keep on the inside lane we are nearly side by side as cars in front of us and he decided to pull over all I could see is him getting very close to the kombi on went the horn he must of craped himself and dropped his phone.
Four months into ownership of our old T5.1 California we were driving on a narrow road around Loch Lomond and guess what tw4tted our wing mirror off coming the other way? Yep, a Trans(h)it.
I seem to pass the same Transit coming the other way every morning and I'm convinced he's after my mirror, He's in an absolute rust bucket, completely knackered, and I always seem to meet him right in the middle of the village where it's at it's narrowest...I pull almost to a dead stop, almost pinned against the parked cars on my left, while he on the other hand comes tearing through at about 30mph (in a 20mph) nowhere near the curb on his side and without a care in the world and with about 10mm to spare between mirrors !!!!! B@$T@RD!!!
I seem to pass the same Transit coming the other way every morning and I'm convinced he's after my mirror, He's in an absolute rust bucket, completely knackered, and I always seem to meet him right in the middle of the village where it's at it's narrowest...I pull almost to a dead stop, almost pinned against the parked cars on my left, while he on the other hand comes tearing through at about 30mph (in a 20mph) nowhere near the curb on his side and without a care in the world and with about 10mm to spare between mirrors !!!!! B@$T@RD!!!
He is probably one of those who think you must give way because you have the parked cars on your side, even though you are already passing them with no opportunity to pull in.
Easy now..... i own a few transits......and if the parked cars are on your side then ......:speechless:
He is probably one of those who think you must give way because you have the parked cars on your side, even though you are already passing them with no opportunity to pull in.
Hand Grenade Instruction Manual:- pull pin, throw, stand well back!
He is probably one of those who think you must give way because you have the parked cars on your side, even though you are already passing them with no opportunity to pull in.
Yep got them round here as well :mad:
Its like rounadbouts, HW Code says give way to the right and those already on the roundabout... so you get them rushing onto the roundabout and blasting you when you were already there just because he was going twice as fast as he should be.....
I seem to pass the same Transit coming the other way every morning and I'm convinced he's after my mirror, He's in an absolute rust bucket, completely knackered, and I always seem to meet him right in the middle of the village where it's at it's narrowest...I pull almost to a dead stop, almost pinned against the parked cars on my left, while he on the other hand comes tearing through at about 30mph (in a 20mph) nowhere near the curb on his side and without a care in the world and with about 10mm to spare between mirrors !!!!! B@$T@RD!!!
You can always drive more in the middle of the road but with your indicator on, if you give him just enough room you give him the opportunity to "get" you..

Don't get mad get even is what I say :)
I should have mentioned that the parked cars are actually off the road in a sort of layby at the side, so not actually his right of way... Power folding mirrors would have been a handy option!
Transits also tailgate! Had one last night on way home from work, right tool!
You have to remember Transits are driven by unclouthed drivers, usually hairy arsed builders who don't own them or delivery drivers why certainly don't own them and are of east European persuasion. none of them care for other people on the road and want to get to their destination as fast as possible and it does not matter who is in the way. Apologies to any builders on here I don't class you all the same :)
Our friend had a fully decked out 64 plate Custom; it was actually quite nice.

Having suffered at the hands of poor VW quality with our last Cali, I have no VW blinkers on at all.
Nowt wrong with Eastern European drivers, my missus is a cracking driver, apart from when she comes back from a visit to Prague and starts driving on the right for a bit :D
The only time I've been in fear if my life behind the wheel was driving in Rome, took 2 weeks of laxatives to unpucker my arse afterwards....