Sold T6 keyrings (stainless)

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Heavy Plant Inspector
VIP Member
T6 Legend
I have had these made, laser cut from 2mm stainless steel. 40mm in diameter. £10 plus £1.50 p&p.

I would suggest that these should be sold via the forum shop, with an amount agreed by yourself and @Pauly to go towards the forums costs as the logo belongs to it.. But that's my view.. Others are welcome to theirs..
I would suggest that these should be sold via the forum shop, with an amount agreed by yourself and @Pauly to go towards the forums costs as the logo belongs to it.. But that's my view.. Others are welcome to theirs..
Dave, not got my van yet but when I do I think I will treat myself ;)
I would suggest that these should be sold via the forum shop, with an amount agreed by yourself and @Pauly to go towards the forums costs as the logo belongs to it.. But that's my view.. Others are welcome to theirs..
Welcome back @T6 Dave, hope you are well. I'm sure that BiTurbo and Pauly have discussed this outside of the forum as they have met up a couple of times now and none of us would do anything to cause any issues to Paul.
Welcome back @T6 Dave, hope you are well. I'm sure that BiTurbo and Pauly have discussed this outside of the forum as they have met up a couple of times now and none of us would do anything to cause any issues to Paul.

thanks for the welcome back, but I never left, just sat back and watched.. let a few things come out of the woodwork etc... if these are sanctioned by the forum etc ( no reason to doubt that they aren't, and in fact didn't say that they were not), there should be no reason not to put them through the forum shop alongside the mugs instead of being buried in the for sale listings.. & yes I am aware of the Discussion of these in the Vip/pro area.. but like I said.. my opinion, others are welcome to theirs..
I have offered to supply the shop, not got a problem with that at all.

its all about perception, and doing things right..

lets say for instance, they are left where they are... you then portray to all and sundry that it can be a free for all to market "forum" approved stuff any time using the for sale thread..

lets now say that its move to the shop, as I am suggesting.. it now portrays that it has been sanctioned and approved by the Forum owner, and that that is the only way that forum related merchandise is to be sold..

like I say, not my problem, used to getting shot down by all and sundry for trying to help, and then getting no input from those that run things.. other than negative.. but that's their choice.. I don't NEED to court peoples approval , I just express MY opinion which I am entitled to.. I now wait to see if this post gets cleaned..
Btw, there is also a security issue with doing it through the for sale ads that I will point out, which is cured by the shop route...

Scenario, somebody posts elsewhere on the forum a pic of their pride and joy.. Including number plate .. Then orders their key ring publicly on the thread, thanks peeps and enjoys..

Keys go missing and are "found" by a local scroat.. Looks on forum who has purchased key rings, finds they are local to him or not that far, grabs the plate from other posts and knows what he is looking for.. Then goes hunting on face plant Twitter etc for more info as to where that particular vehicle(s) live...

A warning to all.... Theoretically possible, unless purchasers Id is hidden by shop usage..

Btw, remember a couple of additional points..

1. You will normally have your house keys on the same key ring, so giving the lo-life free access to your house.

2. Most insurances will be narky or not pay out if the vehicle has been taken with its own keys, other than say car jacking..

3. The keyring logo tells them the forum to look on, and they can match it to this thread to be sure..

I now await and will ignore the diatribe that will most likely come my way... Also await the cleaning or rubbishing of this post, that has the sole intention of protecting people's investment.....
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Nice key-rings, and top marks for quality and effort.
Is there any chance of making something in rubber or plastic please.
I keep my lock key on the same keyring as the van fob. Within week the key was scratching the fob to bits.

Actually the truth is that I go all ga ga over plastic and rubber, leather will do too
Well listed on eBay now!

Thanks T6Dave, some good points there. But just let me point out a few things.

1. I did ask if I could use the logo from the forum owner, and have done previously ( you obviously missed that one).

2. I did offer the forum shop an amount for stock but it was deemed too marginal cost wise.

3. If someone wants to order one this site has a public and a pm service.

4. As for some thief getting hold of a set of keys and a keyring and looking around the site for said van, nowhere does the ring mention forum. And if you’re worried about having your van nicked put something on it. You wouldn’t go to brothel without a condom, would ya.

5. I went to a lot of time and effort sorting these, if you can do better crack on.... look forward to seeing your efforts. Not reading your negative comments. Yes I know you have your opinion and have the right to express it..... look forward to seeing your handy work....

Regards BT
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