I’ve got a 65 plate 83k miles only bought it 3 weeks ago and I've noticed a strange vibration noise at around 1400 rpm and lasts til about 1600 then just stops.
it doesn’t do it in neutral only when in gear and driving, no noise or judder when setting off, I can’t feel the vibration through the clutch pedal or steering wheel, if I accelerate gently then it doesn’t make the noise but if i accelerate as I normally would then it does, it’s quieter in 1st and the most loud in 4th and 5th is so quite I’m not sure if it’s actually doing it, doesn’t do it down hill only on flat or up hills, when going up hill it’s not any worse.
Any ideas, it’s annoying... gears feel fine no issue getting it in gear, drive shafts are fine, exhaust all fine as I’ve just had to have a new flex fitted as that was making a noise.
It’s definitely coming from the engine bay just no idea where as to hear it I have to be driving! The garage couldn’t find where it was coming from either
Sorry for the long post but thought I would give the best description possible.
I have posted this on the Facebook group so apologies if you’ve seen this already, I’m just trying to get some ideas
it doesn’t do it in neutral only when in gear and driving, no noise or judder when setting off, I can’t feel the vibration through the clutch pedal or steering wheel, if I accelerate gently then it doesn’t make the noise but if i accelerate as I normally would then it does, it’s quieter in 1st and the most loud in 4th and 5th is so quite I’m not sure if it’s actually doing it, doesn’t do it down hill only on flat or up hills, when going up hill it’s not any worse.
Any ideas, it’s annoying... gears feel fine no issue getting it in gear, drive shafts are fine, exhaust all fine as I’ve just had to have a new flex fitted as that was making a noise.
It’s definitely coming from the engine bay just no idea where as to hear it I have to be driving! The garage couldn’t find where it was coming from either
Sorry for the long post but thought I would give the best description possible.
I have posted this on the Facebook group so apologies if you’ve seen this already, I’m just trying to get some ideas