For those that can't read the lingo:
La conexión en el puerto inversor esta bien y el BT2 con la luz verde encendida, cuando intento conectar al x DC home parpadea el azul, pero no termina la conexión, da el error que les mostré
Reads as:
"The connection to the inverter port is fine and the BT2 has the green light on, when I try to connect to the x DC home it flashes blue, but the connection does not end, it gives the error that I showed you"
Voy a probar esa alternativa amigo a ver que pasa ya que no puedo conectar cargas grandes sin saber como se estan comportando. Muchas gracias por ayudarme. Toda idea es valida si me ayuda a solucionar el problema.
Reads as:
"I'm going to try that alternative, friend, to see what happens since I can't connect large loads without knowing how they are behaving. Thank you very much for helping me. Any idea is valid if it helps me solve the problem."