Owners Manual... who’s read it?


DJ VdubRadio
VIP Member
T6 Legend
so who has read their manual? I must admit that I actually haven't and it's the fist VW I have brought where I haven't yet! Must read it!
OK. I have read my manual and I couldn't wait to play with all the goodies I thought I had. Unfortunately I was very quickly brought back to earth when I realised that much of what's in there relates to optional extras. Why don't VW indicate what are standard and what are optional features? Every car manual I've had in the past has done that.
Read mine on day one, might read it again and see what I'm missing.
Read this one far more carefully than the last one and "discovered" things I think our last one had but I didn't know about (e.g. detailed info on the leisure battery status on the roof control panel. And it displays outdoor temperature too; never knew that!).
so who has read their manual? I must admit that I actually haven't and it's the fist VW I have brought where I haven't yet! Must read it!
I assume you mean the handbook you get with the T6 which gives you a general idea on what everything does and not something like a Haynes Manual I have all the Manuals for a Mini on my laptop from when I used to help moderate on a Mini fourm and could answer technical questions for them, the proper thing is not something you would keep in your car. TBH I have rarely looked in a handbook unless I wanted to know something. :unsure::unsure: