I’d rather get the valet company to do it all and tell the dealer to not touch the vanIt's all about the prep rather than the product.
Fine scratches and swirls can be inflicted during the first wash at the dealers, so they will always show through whatever product is applied. The "stupid money" is mostly the time taken for a detailer to ensure the paintwork is completely defect free before applying the chosen product.
If you don't mind a bit of detailing DIY, you could do a lot worse than ask the dealer not to even wash it, then give is a 'safe' wash and decontamination at home, followed by a good wax and sealant.
Thank you, I appreciate your commentsI'd get a detailer to do a correction and then get some ceramic protection on it! It will last longer and look better (just my opinion).
The dealers core focus is selling cars/vans.
A detailers core focus is correction and protection... I know which one i would prefer to have look at my paintwork.
Thank You
With inflation, that'll now cost £1200 (...and it'll now take 5 daysI didn’t even let the dealer wash my van prior to collection. Still tell them not to wash it when it goes in for service or work done. I had it Seramik coated by a local company. Cost £800 & took 3 days. Still looks like new after 5 years hard touring. Water still beads off. I wash it 3-4times a year. It’s never been waxed or polished.
ProbablyWith inflation, that'll now cost £1200 (...and it'll now take 5 days)
Do they do it outside or in a workshop?I’ve spoke to a valet company in Derbyshire who will come out rectify any defects on the new paint work and apply a two coats system or a ceramic system ,at a reasonable cost
I'll be in the same position soon and will need to persuade the Chief Advisor of the merits of ceramic coating. I may use you post as evidence for the defence.Probablyit was one of those “gulp” moments. It’d just cost me a kidney for the van & conversion & did I want to throw another £800 at it? In the long run, I’m glad I did, and would definitely do it again on the next van.
I wasn’t asking for me, I was asking for youThey said they would come to me..depending on the weather, I believe they do have a workshop and could certainty ask the question for you
I wasn’t asking for me, I was asking for youit’s a process best done inside with proper lighting. I’d want it done in a workshop.