Hip Replacement


T6 Pro
That's it can't drive for 6 week now as just had total tight hip replacement. It's agony, hoping the pain goes away soon so maybe get driving earlier.
My mum and dad have both had this done in recent years and the one thing I’d say after their experiences is to get moving as soon as possible and tolerate the pain. My mum stuck to, and went beyond the physio prescribed exercise program and my dad didn’t and there was literally months difference between their recuperation times. In fact my dad never really got full movement back.
Easy for me to say I know but just passing on what they’ve told me. Get well soon :thumbsup:
I had a LTHR 3 years ago (aged 43), so I can sympathise completely.

The first week was shite, then second week was alot better, and I was signed off by the Physio to drive after 3 weeks.

Good luck with the recovery - stay positive, the bad bit goes away really quickly.
I had a LTHR 3 years ago (aged 43), so I can sympathise completely.

The first week was shite, then second week was alot better, and I was signed off by the Physio to drive after 3 weeks.

Good luck with the recovery - stay positive, the bad bit goes away really quickly.

Well yes. Out of hospital yesterday and the pain now is awful. Hopefully better next week then.
Hip replacement gone ok but just had to have hernia repair which has probably set me back a bit. Hopefully will be going up mountains soon.