Help needed!

My 6.1 Transporter has flagged up its first oil service, but I won't be able to get this done for a few weeks after the date.

Is this likely to cause any problems (like limp mode)?

Also do I need to go to VW in because of the warranty?
1st oil service is about 12.500 miles from new engine.

The onto regular intervals as per the clocks. (Small, large) service from VW.

How many miles you done?

No it won't cause an issue..... But get it done in a timely manor.
The van won't go in to limp mode for over running a service interval, just get it done ASAP.
No, you don't need to use VW, but if you use an independent garage they must use approved parts and be VAT registered. I've never used VW in the 3.5 years of having my van.