Forum Rules

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T6 Forum

For the benefit of all users and to prevent problems all forum users must abide by the rules.
If you have any issues or problems please contact admin using the link at the bottom of all pages.
If you find a particular post or topic offensive or believe it to be breaking the rules then please report the post for moderation.

1) Rudeness, insults, racial/hate slander, flaming, attacks, stalking, and trolling will not be tolerated.
2) No useless posts, e.g., thread bumping, useless one liners, junk posting to increase post count, and identical multi-postings in different forums.
3) No spamming, advertising, selling, or promoting products or other sites.
4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).
5) No plagiarism.
6) No discussions of hacking systems, networks, passwords, etc.
7) No Rep begging or abuse of the Rep System.
8) No discussions of religion, politics, or firearms.
9) Posting of sexually explicit content (nudity) is not allowed.
10) Absolutely no posting of malicious content of any kind, e.g., links, software.
11) Multiple site accounts are not allowed. No fake or disposable emails/domains are to be allowed for site registration.
12) This is an English based site. Please only post in English, or provide an English translation in your posts.
13) To comply with international laws - all members must be 13 years old or above.
14) To comply with the EU e-privacy laws you accept that this site uses cookies.
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