Foot well lights


T6 Pro
If i disconnect the footwell lights do they come up as an error . battery drained on campsite and think that the interior lights constantly coming on all day helped to cause it . However recharged and battery showing OK , so now i have switched off the switches that put on all interior lights ...but foot well light stay on as doors are constantly opening and shutting and really don't need the foot well lights on probably helping the drain .
I just want to eliminate all drain , i also have a tracker which will certainly be using battery power . I don't do a heap of miles per year in my camper . 71 plate T6.1 Cheers
It's not just the lights coming on that will drain the battery, everytime you open or unlock the door you wake the van up and the ecu does a handful of stuff. The best thing you can do is carry a booster with you just incase.
It's not just the lights coming on that will drain the battery, everytime you open or unlock the door you wake the van up and the ecu does a handful of stuff. The best thing you can do is carry a booster with you just incase.
Yes ..i have already bought one .