Dynamating Wheel Arches...

Stay Frosty

T6 Legend
Did I see on the forum a picture of the inside of the wheel arches being Dynamatted ie. the exposed metal parts, not neccesarily the area behind the plastic liner it's just that having changed wheels/tyres I can hear the new ditch finders.
It's not loud but a slightly hollower/hissy tone, also can hear the wind noise from around the front doors too having hit some motorway yesterday for the first time but that will get sorted in due course, back to the wheel wells and I just might do it anyway although the thought of a non adhered ball of sound deadening flying out the back of the van...:oops:
I did mine but the outside,removed the arch liners stuck it to the metal then put the liners back on after recommendation from here.

Worth doing for what little it costs.
Can’t help with your issue but I was intrigued by the title. “You were only supposed to blow the bloomin doors off”
Thread title edited to reflect the intention of the conversation. We don’t want to suddenly set lots of bells and sirens off in GCHQ do we, when they think that it is a forum for discussing materials that cause supersonic pressure waves (don’t want to use the word exp105iv3 just in case).
Done the cabin side of our recently as part of our carpet lining for more or less the same reason. I'd done behind the rear panels ages ago but noticed the 10" wide wheels rumbled a bit after fitting.

Wife confirms post application of silent coat to wheel arches and completion of carpet lining the van is quieter than before.