Booking a ski holiday whilst bladdered.


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Dont do it! It’s not big and it’s not clever!

In Spain during a night on the wine and tapas being Billy Big Bollocks I booked onto an Off Piste course for next week the 8th April :thumbsup: Booked the Chunnel:thumbsup: and paid all my dough:thumbsup:.

Problem is the course starts THIS Sunday :slow rofl:. So a day of rebooking stuff, hotel (£250 cheaper), train (£90 extra) and having to explain to No1 daughter that me taking her and the kids to the airport for her trip is a non - starter (£65 for a taxi from me).:uh run:

Hey Ho back on the road tomorrow :waving: to Hintertux, Austria were it has been snowing solid for 4 days;)
Enjoy, the Zillertal is a great place, if you get a chance, and assuming your staying Mayerhofen, take the train along to Kaltenbach and go up and over to Hochfugen, great snow late on in the season.
I knew as soon as I saw the title of this thread and before I clicked on it, there was going to be a good story behind it!!