Awning recommendations


New Member
I have a t6 with a one piece tailgate, kitchen comes out the rear, I am looking for a awning that can connect both front and rear, has this been made yet or is it just me wanting to much?

Hi @Lfcampbell04...that actually sounds like a pretty cool idea in theory but in all the research I did a couple of years ago I didn't come across anything like that. If it did exist it would be quite a thing to lug around and erect.....Doesn't mean to say its not out there though! :cool:
I have been trying to find 2 awnings that might interconnect so you aren’t carrying all weight in the one bag, even if it was just a small end piece, the l shape olpro one allows access to back doors but can’t add a extra piece so it can seal to the van…. Sigh!