Aldi 2000w Inverter Generator




Bought one of these when they were on offer at £199, my lad has been using it at meetings for his
tyre warmers, I've avoided using it as although its an inverter genny, and nice & quiet, it does NOT state 'sine wave' on the box, the genny, the paperwork or in any of the advertising - so at this price I assumed it would be 'modified sine wave' which is basically two superimposed squarewaves to give the same heating effect as sinewave. Most inverters are MSW and those that actually are sine wave make a big statement about it and charge significantly more. We all know that MSW isnt good for delicate stuff like laptops etc.

Eventually, I thought, I'll scope it & see.
Well, who'd have thought, this cheap-as-chips Aldi inverter generator is pure sine wave with no visible distortion under load!

At £199 its an even bigger bargain than I thought AND it has a 3 year warranty! :) Off the shelves now but like most Aldi stuff, they will probably be back, keep an eye out!

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