15" wheels fit T6 ??


New Member
This probably is a daft question... while everyone seems to want bigger wheels, I'm looking for smaller.
Can anyone here tell me if a 15" wheel will fit a T6? Brake rotor clearance etc.

I'm looking at fitting offroad steel wheel with AT tyres to my T6 beach 4M. It comes with 16" as standard.
In the world of offroad it's all about the smaller the rim + higher tyre wall diameter.
Without having a 15" wheel available to check, can anyone here tell me if a 15" wheel fits/exists for the T6?
Thanks in advance.
You could try Will They Fit - This may give you the answer. Not sure how refined it is, but worth a try.
Thanks TB, will they fit is an excellent resource. (correct me if i'm wrong) it's don't seem to show the strut and brake clearance requirements for particular model car, just how one rim/wheel compares to the other. Which in itself is very helpful.
16 is the smallest size (unless you have the bigger brakes then 17 is the smallest) since yours came with factory 16’s you’ll have the smaller brakes.
Hey @Wern,
Which engine did you end up getting the 340Nm or the 450Nm? I'm going through the same decision at the moment.
I had a sales guy tell me 17 in was the min rim size on the 4M T6.1 can you get 16in on a T6?

Cheers Carl
Hey @Wern,
Which engine did you end up getting the 340Nm or the 450Nm? I'm going through the same decision at the moment.
I had a sales guy tell me 17 in was the min rim size on the 4M T6.1 can you get 16in on a T6?

Cheers Carl
Hi Carl. I ended up with the 450 T6.1 4M. It's got the 17" wheels as standard, I'll be putting on some AT tyres on the standard 17" steel rims.
I must say having the 450 was a good call as it's not overly powered and probably just capable of towing a medium size trailer if need be.