Satnav position lagging

The past week I’ve noticed my location on my satnav seems to be off by 50ish metres. Any ideas what I could try to fix/diagnose this? I’ve tried resetting the system. Not aware of anything that might have caused this.
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My satnav says I live in the house opposite..... The house opposite belongs to a particularly attractive single lady. No real problem.....I'm moving the balance of my gear over there a bit later!! ;):cool::laugh:
Hmmm modern phones blend a lot more information to get a position but the standard navy should only be using GPS.

I think like all vehicle navigation systems it probably picks the closest road to the "raw" position it gets which may exaggerate the error. Does it settle down when you've been still for a while (so maybe update lagging) or is it consistently off?
Hmmm modern phones blend a lot more information to get a position but the standard navy should only be using GPS.

I think like all vehicle navigation systems it probably picks the closest road to the "raw" position it gets which may exaggerate the error. Does it settle down when you've been still for a while (so maybe update lagging) or is it consistently off?
First photo I’m going about 50mph when I am parallel to the junction. Second picture I’m waiting at a roundabout. Note in the second picture the arrow is pointing in the right direction as the road curves to meet the roundabout which isn’t clear on this map. But the location is slightly off when stationary. The instruction prompts on the instrument cluster are timed well so I think it’s just the discovery screen that lags.