You will not own your vehicle in the furture...or your washing machine.


T6 Pro
In the near future you will probably not own your vehicle, you will buy a licence to use/rent it.

The idea of renting a vehicle is probably the future. Hate to say it but with the future generations, they are not into cars/vans as much and if you look at other countries they are all geared up to renting houses etc rather than buying them, so I guess it will happen.
Buggirl, yes, renting rather than ownership it is the future. Big banks/corporations will get their dosh by rent/ licence rather than interest on lending money to buy/own. It makes sense for them, as you may want to adapt a van rather than buy an expensive conversion, or keep a vehicle many years before replacing it. This is the way we are going.

I think the future will be so preposterous to us today that we can't believe when we see a glimpse of the future.

So houses owned homes taken away out to be rented back later using care costs as an excuse. It is obvious. It is like the new plastic money designed to be springy and awkward, especially when all notes are plastic, this is to ween us off cash, done on purpose for that purpose, so the future will be cashless.

Anyway, I'm off up around the coast, Morcombe Bay, for a few days in the van, exploring and wild camping and looking for evidence of history stuff, so I will be offline for a week so will not be able to follow this thread....don't want to seem silently rude. My mind has to turn to is there public showers in Ullverston.
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Although I love driving I quite like the idea of automated pool cars.
Maybe similar to how we do prepay or even contracts phones.
Then like a fleet of automated ubers you request one, it arrives within a targeted time depending on the area you are.

At the end of the day most cars are parked up for majority of the time. These could be in near constant use and take themselves in for scheduled maintenance and cleaning.

Would change the way we use our towns/cities too massively reducing the amount of vehicles and parking.
Fleets could automatically park up vehicles out of town or roll them through maintenance off peak.
I've spent years in the eCommerce area and every industry is trying to come up with new business models based on usage and consumption rather than purchase and ownership.

We've mostly accepted in with music - more people are moving to the monthly fee model offered by Spotify/Deezer and away from buying records/downloads. Most people essentially rent their mobile phone etc.
We rent our house and buy our cars outright.
That's how allergic we are to debt.

And before I get the usual "you're mad" response, it's what we CHOOSE to do and it works out incredibly well. And we have zero debt and saved a good chunk of a house.

Also works very well for the business (the office is ar home).

The obsession with "buying" (mostly borrowing) a house and our insane housing market is largely responsible for most of our societies problems.

We need to look to Europe for our inspiration not America.
It's horses for courses, we buy all our vans outright with hard earned cash, we lease a E class estate as the numbers stacked up for a 2 year rental but it worked out better to buy a Outlander PHEV. It's a case of looking at the options sensiably and weighing up the options.

We have two new Citroen Space Tourers being delivered next Friday £73 per month per vehicle for two years or a cash price of £38,000 with no vat reclaim.

@Polzeylad I know where your coming from with renting and the lack of a burdensome Mortgage but it's the lack of security and moving out with two months notice. We're in the process of building our own place now from savings having stolen a plot of land to do it but it's shot term pain for long term gain.
@mhill - we were in the last house for six years, this one for almost five. I think we're good tenants who look after the houses and we have a rule; the house must be fully owned, not mortgaged. This means it's pure income with no evil rent rises and we get a lot of house for the money and feel pretty secure.

Security wise; its as secure as any mortgage IMO with no danger of a crippling interest rate rise. I'd also rather pay rent to a landlord I like than interest to any bank all of which I don't like.

Simply can't be bothered with the housing ladder, DIY or being very tied down.

Works for us and a few mates of ours in a similar position.

We'll buy somewhere one day when we fancy it; maybe abroad.
I can see your Point Polzeylad.

We had two rentals in 4 years that decided they wanted to see up meaning we had to move, plus I wanted to do some DIY so we got the money together for a large deposit and bought.

I find it a totally different and more relaxed feeling to renting. I was however worried last year when my old company started talking about redundancies, never truly shook the feeling so decided to setup my own company and get away from relying on others.
I like my £270/month mortgage rather than £450/month rental, plus its mine in another 15 years.
I like my £270/month mortgage rather than £450/month rental, plus its mine in another 15 years.
Our rent is significantly cheaper than interest only on this place. And we claim back a large chunk (a third) from the business in rent and bills as the place is officially split into two flats (they aren't at all but we have two kitchens); so very very cheap rent for us, cheap rent for the business (claiming home office expenses in an "owned/borrowed" house is a PITA), we get to live in lovely places which benefits the kids no end and we aren't paying a bean to the biggest recent criminals in modern history, the banks. Works well for us and we just like going against the grain; because look where "complying" has got our country. Trillions in debt, broken NHS, broken armed forces, broken services, totally at the mercy of Mega Corps.
Actually, the video makes sense but what it really says is if you think own something you may not because licences supplied say that you never own the digital content on the systems built-in.

Nothing to do with leasing....
I like my £270/month mortgage rather than £450/month rental, plus its mine in another 15 years.
£270 a month!! good for you fella. Damn, we get absolutely hammered here in London, house prices are sky high! Family homes are around £1300-1400 a month and they aren't that special.
@Tombs , I live in a tiny ex council house in Holyhead, Anglesey, some call it a bit of a sh*t hole, not many well paid jobs etc, but beautiful scenery, clean air and relatively cheap housing.
Ditto apart from the prices.

Crap 3 bed bungalow? £500k.

Half decent family house with a sea view? £1m++