West Midlands T6F Members (open to all!)

Are you willing to attend?.

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Anyway, back to the matter in hand.. we can organise one your direction if that helps?. But thought with all.miles you do that a small trek across would be sound?.
No need, i'd be happy to pop over and put faces to names etc.
You could always plan a van wash in your neck of the woods, i'd travel to learn what a bucket and sponge does.

Back to the thread topic though it's always nice putting faces and names to vans. I imagine it will get easier as we enter show season but this West Midland meet is a great idea to also see areas on the door step we take for granted.
Im sure some of the Yorkshire Foke would appreciate some East Midlands too. Obviously we’re too tight to travel far and the Whippet gets tired running along side o_O
Great idea.
For those that find that the journey is just a tad too far, then copy the idea and start something up around your neck of the woods. Just because we are one forum, does not preclude regional activities.
Thats a great idea @Fish.
We are both National Trust members and I think they are a great place for meeting. We are certainly up for this. :thumbsup:
Great idea.
For those that find that the journey is just a tad too far, then copy the idea and start something up around your neck of the woods. Just because we are one forum, does not preclude regional activities.
Absolutely right although I’ll travel to some of these. Best to get one group off the ground and supported before we start another I think. Organising meet ups is hard work so I’d rather support Fishes efforts first :thumbsup:
Obviously some dates are going to be incompatible t0 some members but would hope that we will see members making alittle effort to come to multiple meets.
I will organise the first meet and see how it goes, would be great to get this off the ground and templated for other regions.

Please feel free to add some CONSTRUCTIVE advise or suggestions....

Thanks all! spread the word (tag) to others that mayn't have seen this thread but you know live close by etc..
I have looked into this before, with a members that lived all over, the middle ground for said members was Worcestershire.
I live in the middle of all three counties, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire but despite this I will organise meets until no-one turns up or someone wants to take onboard their own areas.

Will speak to the NT sites Monday and plan the first one.

I maybe cheeky and ask a few members if they are attending to bring a couple of things if I don't have them.. but I am sure I will have.
Excellent idea, only just got over not meeting up inTelford with anyone.

Happy to travel, help, support as West Midlands based. Thanks for the great suggestion.
Great idea, we’d be up for it and we’re NT members. Attingham definitely worth a try, plenty of space and great play area for the kids. No experience of the others yet though.