Caravelle Single Rear Seats and Kids!


VIP Member
T6 Legend
These are ny current seats in the rear.
Can anyone tell me if/ what is legal for my daughter (4) to use while traveling? Or do we still need to use her current car seat?

Each seat has the head bumpers (like the left seat).


Suppose it depends if VW got them approved as a group 2 booster seat but not sure how you find out. I guess it would be an interesting discussion with whoever tries to enforce the guidelines.
We will be switching to a booster seat in the van now as our 8 yr old daughter just falls into Group 3 but have used the high back car seat until now as it is much more supportive all round.

This is the only other guidance about how seats/belts etc should be fitted to kids, may help assess if what you have in the van fits the guidance. Booster Seats | Child Car Seats
Good luck

Booster Cushions | Child Car Seats