USB HUB/Splitter Box for Comfort Console

Do you have some voltage on the Yellow socket?20220719_165405.jpg
My usb hub is only charging the phone.
Is it possible that I do not have an activated usb port?
What is that picture ?
Looks like the back of the headunit and not the usb hub

The headunit puts 2 data pairs out on the fakra connector and the 0v and 5v are in the iso plug running out the edge of the picture
Screenshot_20220826-130447_Adobe Acrobat.jpg
MMI NAV plus_Page_4.jpg

I checked the unit's coding but it seems fine. It seems to me that the problem may be in the connection itself, but I have two different pinout and I do not know which is correct.
Dobrý deň, na fialovom a hnedom konektore mám napätie +5V, na čiernom nie. Nemalo by byť +5V aj na čiernom konektore?

