I am getting right confused with all these numbers and terminology. KW BHP, Turbo, Bi-Turbo, Twin Turbo.
My vehicle was described as T30, 2.0, no problem, then BITDI BMT? When asked, was informed this meant it was 1 and 1/2 turbos. The half giving extra oomph for heavy loads, long climbs etc.
The V5 states 132KW, searched the forum for engine performance etc. Google search and the query replied multiply 1KW X 1.34, therefore BHP is 176.88. Which I am thinking many write as 180BHP, which isn't correct is it. Bit like buying a bag of crisps, and finding the bag is half empty
So advise from all the powerful and knowledgeable. My van will hopefully be a Multi Van as in Sleep-over / Camper. Goods Vehicle, Disabled Vehicle, and then as it already has a tow bar, maybe one day become a tugger. But imagine most of the time will be pretty unladen. What if any changes would you make for economy, as I am 72, and the missus 76. We have done the TR6, Capri, GTI, VRS stuff. Just looking for a quiet, smooth easy drive. The set up is DSG with 7 speed auto.
Thanks in advance for a useful and informative reply.