Hi Jimmi, Tropical Fish are like yachts, Mohos and yes camper vans. Can never leave a shop without buying something. Shame the libraries are shut, as some light bed time reading, etc. Different fish like different water alkali / acid and then temperature. Most starters tend to go for what is loosely called a Community Tank. i.e. fish that are fairly tolerant and to each other. Prolific breeding Guppies, Mollies and Swordtails are great live food for Angels and Cichlids and the like. In a community tank say 36' long X 18" wide. Maybe and all personal choice for colour and price. But for a real novice / learner. 2 Pr Fancy long tailed Guppies, 1Pr Red tailed Swordfish, 1pr, Green Swords, a couple of pairs of Mollies, the sail fin are very attractive. A Bronze Catfish, a sucking Loach and perhaps a red tailed shark. Loads of colour and not over expensive. The Angels you have, look good and a good size, in the shop about £25-£30 a pair. Angels and Clown Loaches were my favourite.
Spend as much on filtration as on anything else, without it, its money in the cat or down the toilet. Hope that is of any help. TF Keeper 40 years.