The Perils Of Not Reading The Instructions.

Lord Mfwic

I'm Batman.
T6 Legend
Not VW related but I thought I would share it with you all.
So, I've been working away from home for the past few weeks in Oxford and have been staying in the Abingdon apartment. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself (or so I thought) and over the past weeks have been doing my washing. I've noticed that my work wear has been coming out very clean (this is your normal builders attire). Anyway, as I heading home tomorrow I thought I would make a note of the washing powder I've been using so as to recommend it to Lady Mfwic.
Below are 2 picture of the 'cleaning' agent I have been using. See if you can spot my error.
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I have to say though, it works very well.:laugh:
Dishwasher tablets are very caustic are all your clothes bleach white now? :)
I call it the “Darwin Gambit”. Whilst on my own, I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself thank you, but once into a “relationship” I act like an incompetent fool. Yes they might leave you i.e. “The Gambit” and you don’t get a chance to procreate (or get some practice in) i.e. “The Darwin/ evolution bit”, but if you have made yourself a liabilty in a domestic setting and the other half falls to doing everything, then job done. I’m talking putting tea bags into a kettle to boil “a nice cup of tea”, or being sent out to trim the hedge and cutting through the electric cord within five minutes or microwaving eggs, or coming back with a vacuum cleaner because “smoke came out”. I would like to say how much I enjoy my other half doing the chores whilst I watch the football but it doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t like football. I prefer watching David Attenborough instead where the lionesses have spent 3 days catching a Gazelle, only for the males to take it off them and go up a tree with it and then go to sleep. So I know where you’re going Lord MFwic, As long as we don’t make it public.
On a realistic note, me and my wife laughed our dishwasher cleaned socks off at this...... And I do all the cooking as I would starve to death otherwise.
Lord Tit.:whistle:
No wonder the Wife is In Charge. I’m amazed you can even tie your shoes without the wonderful Pippa around to help you.
Dishwasher Tablets. Priceless!!
Perhaps they need to start a new range of adverts just for you. Like those ones that tell folk to keep washing tabs out of reach if children coz they think they are sweets. Only it’ll be “Fairy Platinum, for use in Dishwashers Lord Mfwic you wally!”
Somebody's missing a trick here, bring out a combined washing powder/dishwasher powder/toothpaste/shower gel and we're sorted :thumbsup: