The life aquatic...

Stay Frosty

T6 Legend
Not quite the holiday from hell but imagine staying in the Forest of Dean this past week with fifty shades of rain and not being able to share the experience?
Not only was the weather a bit challenging but they've got virtually no 4G coverage, what's the point in going on holiday having took loads of piccies on the only sunny day of the week and being the only one who can look at them.
On a brighter note I managed to blow a 100A AGU fuse this time on our not actually a 1 kilowatt electric kettle and our underslung tank water pump decided to make a noise but not actually pump water to the sink.
Ok first world problems but just goes to show how you lean on your fancy toys and they let you down at the first chance.
Agnes our camper on the other hand performed like a champ and looked magnificent parked in the 50 acre woodland clearing, she's a right strumpet and a proper showoff!
Not quite the holiday from hell but imagine staying in the Forest of Dean this past week with fifty shades of rain and not being able to share the experience?
Not only was the weather a bit challenging but they've got virtually no 4G coverage, what's the point in going on holiday having took loads of piccies on the only sunny day of the week and being the only one who can look at them.
On a brighter note I managed to blow a 100A AGU fuse this time on our not actually a 1 kilowatt electric kettle and our underslung tank water pump decided to make a noise but not actually pump water to the sink.
Ok first world problems but just goes to show how you lean on your fancy toys and they let you down at the first chance.
Agnes our camper on the other hand performed like a champ and looked magnificent parked in the 50 acre woodland clearing, she's a right strumpet and a proper showoff!
I remember the days when you took photos and got them developed after your hols and showed them to your family 2 weeks after you got back.
What a terrible shame people couldn't see them straight away, must have really spoiled your hols.
you Blew a 100A fuse !!! . . . . jeez
you Blew a 100A fuse !!! . . . . jeez
Yup, guess I've found my special skill!
The problem I've got is the lack of space left under the drivers seat after the Roamer and the DCC50S pinched the best spots so I used a 4 way AGU type fuse block, up to say 50A these fuses are ok but by 80 or 100A they're a bit of a lucky dip with regard to direct current carrying capacity at 13.8 volts!
Realistically I'm going to have to take the inverter supply off the 4 way all glass fuse block and swap to an 80A ANL type fuse and carrier for the inverter supply... probably wouldn't hurt to put only the bare minimum water in the supposed 1kw travel kettle as that pulls up to 88A at full tilt according to the shunt display.