The LEZ's are coming.


150 DSG Shuttle Conversion
VIP Member
T6 Legend
Low Emission Zones

Got to stress this is just a consultation document and it's from the Scottish government (available online), but it gives an indication of the way politicians are thinking. Given their consultation is being based on other European cities, it's probably relevant to the rest of the UK with respect to what's likely on the cards for our city centres.

Clearly their pushing for Euro 6 and possibly the addition of the Real Driving Emission test beyond Euro 6 for Low Emission Zones.

Glad now that I spent a bit more and bought a EU6 van, as commuting into Edinburgh city centre at times when public transport isn't an option is a necessity for me.

As manufacturers, including VW, seem to be struggling to get a handle on Euro 6 compliance without using cheat devices, let alone achieve RDE requirements, can't help wondering if we're now driving the last generation of 120 odd years of diesel development. Given the current push for lithium powered machines. Although that in itself is perhaps another environmental ticking time bomb.


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