Mark Prinsloo Member 20 Nov 2018 #1 Hey, Well there was a knocking today from front suspension. It's ABP T32. What exactly is broken here? Top mount? Thanks, Mark.
Hey, Well there was a knocking today from front suspension. It's ABP T32. What exactly is broken here? Top mount? Thanks, Mark.
In a state I like a good length in a Van... T6 Pro 20 Nov 2018 #2 Looks like a siezed stanchion and it's pushed the top mount apart.
Dellmassive T32 204 DSG LWB SLN PV MY18 & T30 SWB KMB MY67 VCDS User Moderator VIP Member T6 Master 20 Nov 2018 #3 Whaaaat... That s not good. Looks like the top mount has failed.? That s the shock piston connection rod sticking out of the top turret mount.
Whaaaat... That s not good. Looks like the top mount has failed.? That s the shock piston connection rod sticking out of the top turret mount.