TDI250 or 340 - is it worth the extra?


Hi all,

About to place an order for a manual T6.1 down here in Aus. Am going to have a relatively light setup in the back with draws and a bed frame - so there will be some weight in the back but not substantial.
Is the 340 worth the extra cash ($2k)? I've only driven a 6 speed (my current T5.1) so cant say from experience what the difference would be like?

Thanks in advance for the input!
Also mods please excuse if this has been asked previously, i used the search function before posting but could not find anything specifically.
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I have a TDI340 6 speed manual with a full campervan conversion so its always fairly heavy. The only time I notice the weight is climbing big hills otherwise it sails along easily at highway speeds.
I recommend test both and see what you think.
There may be a chance you will want to carry more weight later so that may be a consideration.
As we can do big distances here in Australia at highway speeds my van is pretty economical on diesel but not as good around the city obviously.