Had a go at this today, removed the battery to clean the terminals, which were quite corroded, and found the actual battery was swollen? Took it for a test, and although voltage was OK, decided to swap it for new! Back home and refit, van not starting! Checked all fuses, removed leads and cleaned terminals, also used multi meter to check the leads were supplying full voltage.
Decided to go ahead and remove the starter motor and check it over. When removing, found the plug connector, with the single live from wiring loom, literally pulled out of the loom completely! The red wire was solid, and broken off from the wiring loom somewhere. Starter motor now out, so tested using jump leads from the battery, all working fine!
Now wondering the best way to get this plug live re connected? Removed battery and tray to located it but was hard work, wires everywhere in that main fuse/relay box!
Any of you transporting drivists have any ideas?