T6 2017 Transporter/kombi Armrest Install


New Member
Good morning, have anyone of you guys bought these armrests from e-bay and installed on your vehicle? Are they comparable to the originals w.r.t. material, color and quality and do they come with mounting brackets included in the kit. I see there is a YouTube video from HeatingGeek covering the fitment. Is he on the forum or does anybody here know him? Any feedback will be appreciated. Regards.ScreenShot241.jpg
Thats one part of one side, you would need more parts to fit it
That listing si for part 20 in this diagram, you would also need parts 3/6/7/21/22 assuming the seat will accept the armrest ?

Thanks for the reply, in the video the guy shows brackets which I suspect are for an aftermarket kit, for which I will have to find the origin of. I will keep searching...
I'll have to watch that, if there is an aftermarket way of fitting armrests to non standard seats then I'd be interested. It's the only thing that stops me replacing the front seats