Sliding door dropped (manual)


New Member
Wondering if anyone can suggest if this is fixable by a novice or got to book in somewhere?? It’s clear that our sliding door has dropped recently as now catches on the rear latch before crashing over it to close which requires quite a slam. Evidence of catching bodywork elsewhere also attached.
Is there something easy to adjust this?

Trial and error I worked out there’s an adjustable element on the middle door at the back which needs a large Allen key to turn it. It needs to be turned to raise the bolt and lift the door up. Ours keeps slipping down so I now carry the Allen key and adjust back up regularly. Would be good to know why it is unwinding through use.
Thank you really appreciate it - will give that a go first before I start taking that panel apart. I have two sliding doors - and I see the right side the bolt is threaded different (as in its tightened less - not sure if that makes sense, not sure how to explain it)