Running things from battery connection


Refrigeration Install Engineer
T6 Guru
Was wondering if anybody knew if it was safe to run an air pump from the battery terminals. I know if jump starting you only connect to live terminal and the other so body work.

Any info greatly appreciated

Cant see how it would do any harm, but obviously if you are sticking wires straight onto battery posts then they are not fused properly so shorting the wires or getting a fault may not end well for your pump or the wire going to the pump.
Personally I would get a cig lighter plug and attach it to the pump wire so you can plug in to cig socket, there only a couple quid and easy fit but if you need to blow it up right now I would jump it straight on to get you out the proverbial
Air pump is fused but draws 20amp so don't really want to run it through cig lighter, just wondered if the crocodile clamp should go on the neutral or an earth in the engine bay due to the stop start
Personally I would normally put straight to battery, fuse should be as close as reasonably possible to the supply.
Not connecting to battery when jump starting is only to stop the flat battery drawing on the jump battery, it allows the starter to pull more without the flat batt dragging it down but having looked at the T6 it would be a struggle to get on the -ve with the contraption that is attached to it which I have kinda assumed is some sort of sensor to measure loading on the batt to trigger stop/start function
Clip onto pos terminal and chassis earth point. Negative terminal has the voltage sensing shunt on it.