Price increase?


T6 Pro
Am I going mad or has vw smashed up the prices since last month on the configurator?? Gutted I didn't order before
They only just put up the prices in June. How many rises do they do per year?
After the gutting the pound has had against the euro in the last year I’m surprised the price rises haven’t been bigger.
Spares are even worse there's been a price increase every quarter since last year think that's 4 or 5 in a row
Absolute rip off, so if you brought a Transporter for £30k and kept it 3 years then with the 3% price increase twice yearly that £30k van would now cost nearly £36k to replace. Can’t believe I paid £16k for my first Transporter 10 years ago.
On the plus side... higher new prices mean higher residuals if you're buying something else - not that anyone would, of course :rolleyes: