Paint bubbling horror found under side step.


Senior Member
T6 Legend
Been cleaning the builders sh*te left by the previous owner in the back of my 67 plate van. The side step was horrid so I sourced a replacement and went to fit it this weekend but found this......


The paintwork was bubbling so I scrapped away the loose paint but can't work out what the marks are that seem to have caused the paint to come loose.


Anyone come across this on their van?
Anyone of many things cement, brick cleaner, some types of plaster, solvents for cleaning plastics etc. clean it well, prep, prime and paint. As you said it was a builders van his workmanship was probably the same.
The white/brown marks look like they're in the bodywork itself under the factory paintwork.
There were only 3 bubble marks to begin with but when I started scraping those more and more paint started coming way
My initial reaction was to repair it myself as you suggested @Dave Mac. It isn't a big job and doesn't need to be professional because it's under the step anyway but then I started thinking if it was like this from the factory then it might be a warranty claim? The rest of the paintwork in the back is like new. Only this section is bad.
Make sure you rub it down well and do a couple coats of a good zinc primer and then a topcoat