P trap for sink?


T6 Pro
What do people do for a trap on the sink? We’ve got the obligatory smev 9222 which will go to a cak tank 205 with 20mm input connection. Looking on the usual sites there doesn’t appear to be any traps ? Is it usual to just run the pipe straight into the tank without a trap at all? Won’t you get nasty niffs?
If you keep the tank clean it won't smell, but you could just put an "s" in the pipe.
Yep, I thought about putting an S in the pipe and could straighten out if needs be for winter? Just having fitted numerous bathrooms/kitchens & build 2 houses I thought P traps were standard practice.
You shouldn’t need a trap if is open ended and not connected directly to a tank.
As mentioned above it’s going to a 205w cak tank.
I guess I would run without a trap and if it smells fit one later, not a difficult retrofit if you leave space.
If the water coming through the tap has treatment added it should go some way towards keeping the waste tank fresher.
I tend to do dishwashing in a bucket, far easier and less messy.