New To This Vw Van Malarky :)

Hi all,
We picked up our 17 plate T6 on Saturday and are loving it.
Its a twin sliding door Highline, Starlight Blue (Very posh me thinks) with SatNav etc.

The van drives brilliantly but the standard headlights are shockingly pants!!!
Is anyone else having similar problems and can anyone suggest a solution, other than only driving in daylight!
Welcome aboard. Headlights are a well documented issue and aftermarket and OEM upgrades are available. A cheeky dabble with the search function will bring up ample amounts of reading.
Welcome @PeakyBlinder. You will find so many members reporting poor lights on a great number of threads on here. You certainly are not alone in the dark on that one.
The good thing is that there are now a couple of aftermarket options, as well as OEM LED units that a couple of companies are doing. @Pauly can equally do you all of the OEM LED units through the forum shop, including the self levelling units installed on the rear anti-roll bar.
So don’t dispair help is out there.