New Engine


New Member
Hi all,
Looking for some advice...I've recently brought a new T6 Kombi.
I was told buy the seller, that i was to expect poor MPG and restricted power for around 1000 - 2000 miles.
As there is a regulator/Chip within the engine, that prevents you thrashing a new engine.
Is this true? and is there a more defined range, than between 1000-2000 miles?

Thanks in advance!
No chip or restriction as far as im aware.

Basic guidelines for new engines are always to go easy for the first 1000 to 2000miles.

Though in my experience most new diesel engines come to life after about 4k to 6k.

Ie they feel restricted untill after that point.

In my latest T6 204ps tdi that was about 4/5k . . . . Now she realy goes.
