How Do I Know I Have A T6 :)


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Built 2015 onwards, initially with Euro 5 engines. Different interior.
Front end is facelifted - new grille and headlight shapes are vastly different.
Repeaters are in the cutline on the front wing..
Tailgate models have a different bumper and tail-lamp shape to barn-door models.
You're mopping up the leak from your kombi windows.....oh, hang on a minute.....they did that on the T5 too!!
When, for about the fifth night in a row I should have long since gone to bed, but I'm still up absorbed by the info on this forum ....:thumbsup:

Did Roman get a ban then ?!
Mirrors and the trims in front of them are a tad diff to T5 GP. Front end different, rear end diff if tailgate, if not tailgate its the same. Interior different.