Holiday Pics

all holiday season is upon us so post your best holiday shot

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That reminds me of a time I used to do 12 car rallies back in the 1970's (yep you could rally on roads then) I was driving on one when we came to a ford, a car went righto go around and we saw one drive past on the other side of the ford so my Navigator said go. I did through the ford which was in flood and the Mini I was driving has water coming over the bonnet. This was OK till the back end started to float downstream so I opened the door to let the water in and the car stalled. I go out and a guy I know who was stood by the ford said "It's Deep Bill" I said "I Know it's Fuc*ing Deep" we pushed the Mini out started it up and drove off but by then we were pi$$ed off so retired. I found a stickleback in the foot well the next day. Always a bit wary around Fords now