Help needed to wire in switch and usb


T6 Pro
Wondering if someone with electrical knowledge can help me please.

I want to wire in a switch to control my usb sockets but not sure where to wire the switch in or if what I have is the right kit !!

Wires on left of picture run to another USB further down the van. Wires on the right run to the fuse box. Wires are 6mm2.

Thank you

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have a quick look here:

FYI, have a look at the rough guide below:



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Hi Similar question....

I am removing my 12V cigar lighter and putting a twin USB instead. Can I make use of the wires that go to the cigar lighter or do I just forget this and go straight to a new fuse and earth from under the glovebox? id like to just cut the plug off and solder the USB on but a lead 'dab' test gave nothing away!
Hi Similar question....

I am removing my 12V cigar lighter and putting a twin USB instead. Can I make use of the wires that go to the cigar lighter or do I just forget this and go straight to a new fuse and earth from under the glovebox? id like to just cut the plug off and solder the USB on but a lead 'dab' test gave nothing away!
yes you can use that 12v socket feed.

i would crimp on spade terminals instead of soldering on though.

if you have a leisure battery (OEM) then the fuse for that circuit is under the front seat. (15A i believe)
Thanks for that I cant get it to work to be honest so need to check fuse. USB just has a positive and negative. Three wires into ciagr lighter
Thanks for that I cant get it to work to be honest so need to check fuse. USB just has a positive and negative. Three wires into ciagr lighter
the third wire is for illumination . . if you haven't got illumination the third wire is taped up about 8 inches back from the socket . .

red and brown is power . . . grey is illumination.

have a look here:




I must be being sensationally thick as I cannot get this to work ! And I’ve tried two usb so not likely that
red is +

Brown is -

get a multimeter and make sure you have 12v at the terminals.

you may have blown the fuse.?
I blew the fuse when I done mine ...easily done trying to be clever not isolating !!!
Can’t remember .. have a look at wiring diagrams for reference they’re all a bit of a pig to get at .. crappy access to pull the fuse out when you know which one .. the top ones harder due to the smaller opening fuse cover .. Naff really considering it’s quite important part of the system when things go wrong should be easy to get at with references to what fuse is what
Tell me about it! Van was second hand to me and no manual etc I’ll sort it tomorrow. Just tested usb over a 12v battery and all fine so definitely the van side
hi all, I have searched for this so apologies if I have missed something, what size cable ( and colours) should I ask for, I want to put extra USB sockets in the pillars, also can I extend from glove box USB or should I run separate from piggy back fuse. thanks