So after a long drive back from Scotland I realised the stock speakers are pony. I was about to hit the button on the plug and play eton speakers then I saw a fit video to see that the t6.1 has 6.5" speakers! Well I'm up to speed now on those and those are easy to get hold of.. now the amp and break out harness is where I'm scratching my head.. I've had a chat with a few of the audio shops and they all have a ready made harness available for about 50 quid.. but this is where my question is.. I can see that this break out cable gives me the L and R input for the Amp but how do I get the speaker outs from the amp back into the loom to feed to the door speakers? Also I've been watching vidoes on how to remove the head unit in a t6.1 to be told by Skipton Radio that the main brain isnt there but behind the glove box.. its just a touch screen in the dash! any advice and or pics of this woudl be great... I'll post up a sketch on how far my knowledge goes ...