From A Photo Can You Tell Bi Xenons And Leds Apart?


T6 Pro
I know what the difference between LEDs and standard lights look like, but never seen bi xenons. Just wondering if they look the same as LEDs or if there are differences?
LEDs produce a pure (white normally) colour but xenons tend to look a bit different in terms of light colour output
Bi xenons are not an option on a T6
Agh, do I mean just xenons? I'm looking at vans advertised with bi xenons or xenons and they look like LEDs, so hoping they may have misadvertised!
Its the way VW/dealers list them
There are no form of xenon/bi xenon available for any T6 the only option is LED but for some reason certain dealers and VW brochures refer to them as xenon !!
Ah that's good to know thank you. I've been dismissing vans as advertised with Xenons. I had LEDs on the old one and there's no way I'm going back!
Use the attached to tell the lights apart.


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