Etransporter charge range


New Member
Hi guys I am not getting a full range on a full charge the last week or so , weather has turned so I know this will be factor but I’m almost getting 30 miles less than I should on my vw transporter , I have been getting 82 miles I’m struggling to get 55 currently .

I have read that the vehicle detects the driving history and bases the charge on this so if this is partly correct is there a way of resetting anything ? Thanks in advance
Temperature hasn't dropped thar much so won't be rspsonsible for a 40ish percent drop in capacity.

Im presuming you havent suddenly change your driving habits? If not, not a lot you can do. Check you haven't inadvertently altered any on obaord settings, and check your charger. If that doesn't do it then it's a trip to the dealer in your future.

Best of luck
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Up to 82 miles was the advertised range. Reports came in of real world range of 30 - 50 miles when running fully loaded in bad traffic. They didn't sell due to appalling range, which made their potential market very small.