OEM Thermo heating to parking-heater adaptation?


Italian member
Hi Everyone,
I'm a proud owner of a T6 2.0 150cv SWB 4motion 2018. The car comes standard with auxiliary water heating (see attached picture) overhead control panel, remote and climatic.
I'm looking to retrofit the aux heater to parking heater since I'm converting the car to a campervan. I went through the following threads but still few things are not entirely clear to me:

1. The retrofit procedure only require CVDS firmware upgrade?
2. The current overhead control panel firmware will be updated to include temperature setting and timer will be configurable to run more than current 120m cap as the california model behave or do I need to change the control panel? (many example below refer to climatronic)


Oem Webasto Auxiliary Heater To Parking Heater "retrofit" / upgrade
Webasto Overhead Control Panel.
Webasto Auxiliary Heater - customizing
Webasto Thermo & Comfort Se
Error code aux. Heater carista

Any luck with this?

I have the same, a T6 with that same sticker on the door frame, overhead control panel (with Timer), remote control for the Webasto and climatic on the car.

I would like to be able to "program" the heater to maintain the temperature set on the climatic, something like that. So I don't have to keep starting it every hour for a few minutes during the night when it gets cold. But I have no idea how to do this, and information online is not very clear, as everyone's case is a bit different.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
The water heaters are not designed for the continuous use case. They drain the battery very fast. But if you'd still like to do it - some of the Danhag units are supporting this.

If you can - Get yourself an air heater if you camp in your van - it's the best way.
I have the climatic version.
In my case the Eberspracher only heats the cargo room and I believe I've seen a picture/scheme of a system where the heated air goes to both the cargo room and the cabin - just can't find the parts for this.
I have the climatic version.
In my case the Eberspracher only heats the cargo room and I believe I've seen a picture/scheme of a system where the heated air goes to both the cargo room and the cabin - just can't find the parts for this.
The answer to your question is here: