Electric hookup charger Rating Question


T6 Pro
Hi. I’m looking at a charger for when I’m on EHU.

I’m looking charging a200ah lithium battery and originally thought about the blue smart ip22 12/30 charger

Am I right in thinking the 30A would trip the EHU as they are only generally rated for 10/16A load?

Would be it better to use a 12/10 smart blue charger? But would that be enough for charging the 200ah lithium battery?

Slowly getting my head around it all.

No — that’s 30A at 12V output from the charger - so 30x12 = 360 W

On the input side of the charger, if it were 100% efficient, it would be 240V x 1.5A = 360 W
In reality probably less than 2A , so easily inside EHU rating

Yep what he said .....

30A/16A is the 240v rate.

A 30A Victron will pull 2A from the mains.
Cheers! Well there you go. Totally makes sense. Thanks for the clear explanation. I’ll get there one day. One step closer
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