Battery under passenger seat with swivel!!

Sean O Leary

Senior Member
T6 Guru
Hello All, I am trying to position a leisure battery AGM under my single passenger seat but I am not having any success!! Can this be done cause I have tried every angle but keep catching the bottom of the swivel unit!! Driving me crazy so any suggestions or pics would be very much appreciated.
It could be down to the make of swivel, some give more clearance than others. Which one are you using and is the nut on the top or the bottom?
I'd have thought that with the nut on top you'd have been ok. Strange.
No still catches, I assume they can't be mounted in their side cause the plates would warp! Have people put in spacers I wonder
Got it sorted I just added in some nylon spacers, I just wanted to ensure that there was no way the battery could come in contact with under side of the seat even in a bad accident where the van went upside down!!! Probably over engineering it but I'm happy now its sorted. Got the battery, inverter and battery monitor and all my sockets etc sorted today also so nearing the end of this big undertaking!
Thanks Martin, I was going to try that just saw your replay when it was too late. I thought the plates may over heat when charging if the battery was on its side
Everything else went good, the inverter and fuse box worked a treat