I’m looking for a pair of ball connectors( no idea what it’s called) which allows the rear light cluster to slide into. See pictures.
mine got broken after the tailgate strut popped out and impacted the lights.
Apologies all. Perhaps my pics are rubbish. It’s the ball studs for the lights not the struts. The ball studs for the struts are round, smooth and metal. The one for the lights are plastic and appears to screw into place. It could be 41, 42 or 56 from the diagram.
i broke one of mine recently, think it cost about 70p from vw, to get the old stud out I heated up a small slotted screwdriver then pushed it into the broken stud, let it cool in position for a while then unscrew.
You guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks so much. I was planning or heating a self tapping screw and leaving it in but I will try the screwdriver. likes for everyone
Hi all,
Apologies as i completely forgot. My intention was to provide an update. Purchased the ball pins from eBay and fitted perfectly. I used a soldering iron (flat end).
Allowed it to get hot and then applied some pressure gently on the broken pin about 5 mm in, then turned iron off to cool down. Very easy to unscrew the broken pin and then screw in the new pin with no damage to the threads.
Attached the eBay details image for future reference.
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