240v Power Output Conversion


Senior Member
T6 Guru
Afternoon and Happy New Year!

I am looking into installing a 240v power supply in the back of my van. The power supply will primarily be for a Henry/Numatic vacuum hoover. Though I'm predominately unit based, I do have a few clients that I visit on a mobile basis.
The hoover will be used for up to 10 minutes at a time, the van will be driven between uses on the battery/hoover.
I assume a leisure battery along with a split charge relay/inverter is the best way? also any recommendations on size of battery/inverter required?

Many thanks
You will struggle with a battery/inverter set up due to the high start current and wattage on mains powered vacuum cleaners. £ for £ you would better off investing in the 12 v Dyson as Loz suggests.
Wow! they look excellent and not too pricey either. Around £185 for the DVC350Z is very appealing. I might end up with a clean van this year!
thanks for the advice guys, yep as long as I can charge in my van, this seems a much better solution.